Effective Dog Obedience Training Techniques
Dawn Miller Jan 25, 20256 Minute ReadTraining your dog isn’t just about teaching them to sit or stay. It’s about building a strong, trusting relationship with positive reinforcement for dogs. Whether your goal is mastering basic commands or fine-tuning advanced skills to impress your friends, dog obedience training is the cornerstone of a happy, well-behaved pup.
I don't know how I'd get through my days with my active lifestyle and 3 energetic dogs if I hadn't taken time to train them. Starting with my lab mix Bruno, then down the line as new pups entered my home we've always focused on supporting our dogs' natural love for routines and predictability with obedience training.
So, today, I wanted to share what that looks like.
Why Dogs Love Dog Obedience Training
For over 1000 years, humans have been selectively breeding dogs to become our partners, protecting us and our herds, "hunting" with us, and comforting us when we're down.
No matter how cute and cuddly I think my pups are, this is their job—it's in their blood. And they want to do it well.
But left untrained, they're faced with an impossible situation. Their breeding tells them you want them to chase down that rabbit for you or bark when they hear someone jogging past your driveway. But maybe you get peeved when they do.
So you seem unpredictable and confusing. This can cause a dog stress.
Dog obedience training directs their instincts into useful skills. As they learn commands, they better understand what you want them to do. They get rewarded when they do a good job—and leave that poor jogger alone.
Dogs love knowing how best to help you. It gives them a sense of purpose and pride. They learn to trust you, no matter what their "instinct" is telling them to chase, chew, or fight. It strengthens your bond.
Teaching them basic commands for dogs will get you well on your way to a well-behaved, delightful dog who understands what you want—and loves feeling useful in your partnership.
Techniques for Dog Obedience Training That Really Work
There are levels to dog training. You and your dog need to master each level to progress. Let's step through them!
1. Gain a Foundation in Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement training is the best way to teach a dog. But there's a learning curve for both you and your dog.
You must learn to very consistently and immediately reward a behavior you're trying to teach with dog treats, and praise, and a belly rub when called for.
This communicates that the dog is on the right track. As you keep reinforcing the behavior, you can refine it until it's exactly what you want.
Begin with some basic commands like "sit" and "stay".
What You'll Need to Get Started:
- High value dog treats - I recommend beef lung training treats. They're single ingredient, nutritious, and delicious.
- (Optional) A clicker - This clicking tool allows you to precisely mark when the dog performed the trick. It can speed up learning by eliminating ambiguity. This one on Amazon gets great reviews.
- Patience - Dogs can learn basic commands quickly but not immediately. So you'll need to give them some time. Keep up the positive reinforcement and avoid accidentally reinforcing things you don't want.
2. Teach All the Basic Commands
Making sure they have the basics under their belt will allow you to start building more complex skills. I recommend you use this check list in this order.
- Sit - A simple but essential command for polite behavior
- Stay - Vital for safety in busy or dangerous situations
- Come - Helps ensure your dog always returns to you, no matter the distraction
- Leave it - Prevents your dog from grabbing something unsafe or undesirable
Start with short training sessions (5-10 minutes) and only focus on one command at a time. If your dog is struggling with a progressively harder command, always go back to an easier one before ending training to ensure their final memory of training was rewarding.
Take the FREE K9 Connoisseur Training Challenge to learn these skills and more in just 7 days.
3. Build a Training Schedule for Dogs
Dogs thrive on routine so the next step is to set aside 5-10 minutes every day to practice and learn new tricks. Or you could incorporate training through daily activities like this:
- Morning - Quick obedience training refresher during a walk
- Afternoon - Practice a new command or trick in a distraction-free environment
- Evening - Wind down with a chew session using a long-lasting dog bone
This regularity keeps skills sharp and ensures your dog stays engaged. It helps your dog learn that following commands applies to anywhere and anytime, not just in your living room where they first learned to sit.
4. Add More Advanced Commands
Once your dogs have some basics in the bag, it's time to advance their training to more complex skills. Here are a few I strongly recommend. I find them so useful.
- "Go to crate" Teaches them to treat a crate as a safe space. It becomes their wolf's den when presented positively.
- "Come" at greater distances - Off-leash training allows you to trust your dog will always come when you call on hikes, camping, at the lake, in the park.
- "Find It" is a stimulating game you can play together
"Fetch" is a classic. Check out this video to find out how to teach your dog fetch in under 60 seconds.
Addressing Common Challenges
My Dog Doesn't Listen to Me
Dogs respond best to higher-pitched voices. When saying the command word or giving praise, speak in a higher pitch. This almost always works. This is often referred to as baby talk. But it exists for a reason.
Also, say their name before each command, so they know you're talking to them.
My Dog Is Stubborn
Some dogs like my terrier Pixie can be head strong. Stubbornness often comes from a combination of genetics, personality, lack of training, and sometimes coming from a broken home.
I currently have 3 rescues in my home. So, I recognize the struggles.
Sometimes you have to get creative. But every dog can overcome their past with patience and the right dog bones. Whatever they say about "old dogs" just isn't true.
Take my lab mix Bruno. I tried crate training him. I did everything. But I think a previous experience with crates has left him unwilling to enter. So, he has his rug and Pixie has her crate.
Some other strategies that work with stubborn dogs include:
- Choose high value treats they can't resist
- Try a tennis ball if they're not food motivated.
- Build trust with regular chew session on a meaty marrow filled dog bone.
Some dogs are so enthusiastic but can't follow commands because of the hyperstimulation. If you notice this, take a short break. If they struggle to calm down, give them a mentally-stimulating chew like a beef marrow bone.
Feeding their instinct to chew can reduce hyperactivity by helping them focus on how to get the tasty bone marrow out of the bone.
After a 15-20 minute chew session, try again.
Why K9 Connoisseur Treats Are Ideal Positive Reinforcement for Dogs
K9 Connoisseur checks all the boxes for high-value training rewards. Dogs will do backflips for these grass-fed beef, all-natural treats—literally, once you teach them the "flip" command.
Aren't you just a little interested in what you can teach your dog to do? Learn to teach basic commands for dogs and explore the world of dog obedience training with this Free 7-Day Dog Training Challenge.