Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? The Truth Behind Their Green Obsession
Dawn Miller Mar 15, 20254 Minute Read"Is it bad for dogs to eat grass?," is the first thing I thought when I saw my loveable lab mix munching on some newly emerging blades like we'd taken him to an all-you-can-eat salad bar.
I called his name, "Bruno".
He looked over at me.
"Are you a dog or a goat?", I asked. But the attempted humor went unappreciated as he continued.
Why do dogs eat grass? Some dogs snack on grass casually, while others seem obsessed with it—sometimes even throwing up afterward.
Is grass-eating just quirky behavior? Or is it a sign of something more?
Is It Bad for Dogs to Eat Grass?
The short answer? The grass itself is not usually going to hurt them. That's a relief!
However, it's important for us to be aware of what we're spraying on our yards if we have a greens-loving pup.
And they may not even be eating grass. Clover is a common permanent houseguest in even well-maintained lawns. Clover is a wild member of the pea family. The leaves and shoots actually taste sweet and a little umami, like snow peas. Dogs like these flavors as much as humans do.
Is a Grass-Eating Dog Cause for Worry?
It's rarely a sign of a major dog health concern. But if you see them eating grass to the point of throwing it up, you should certainly take a closer look at this behavior.
When do they eat the grass? After doing what? Do you notice any patterns?
Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? 6 Possible Reasons
1. They Want to Get More Nutrition...Probably Not.
My dogs' ancestral wolves and wild dogs sometimes eat grass, grains, and other plants as part of their omnivore diets. Plants do contain the nutrition that dogs need. Grass, in particular, contains fiber plus several important minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and sulfur. Chlorophyll (which makes grass green) is an antioxidant that can strengthen red blood cells and support wound healing.
Do dogs know about this nutrition? I doubt it. But it's fun to think eating grass might be the equivalent of me eating kale.
2. Helps Clear Out Parasites
Dogs probably have some instinctual awareness that eating grass can remove parasites. The coarse fibers can physically tangle up worms and pests, escorting them out of the system like a bouncer at a nightclub.
So, if you see your dog eating grass frantically, a parasite check is called for.
3. Aids Digestion
Dogs may also appreciate how the fiber helps them move stools more easily. Dogs have relatively short digestive tracts compared to humans. So, a little fiber can go a long way.
4. They Have an Upset Stomach
Why do dogs eat grass and throw up? Well, when your tummy hurts, sometimes the best thing you can do to make it stop is to get whatever you ate out of there. Dogs are smart. They may understand that eating grass can help them throw up.
Signs that this might be the case include:
- Your dog suddenly eats a lot of grass, then throws up.
- They seem uncomfortable or lethargic before eating the grass but better afterward.
- This happens occasionally, not daily.
If it happens once in a while, this is no cause for alarm. But you should speak with your vet if your dog throws up with any frequency. They may have a food sensitivity, weak stomach acid, or other dietary issues.
5. They’re Bored (Or Just Like the Taste)
Some dogs may just be trying to find something to do. If all they have to do is eat grass, then why not?
This is a sign that your dog lacks mental stimulation. Like people, dogs need regular engagement and thrive on routine.
Consistent meal times, regular walks, positive reinforcement training sessions, or just playing in the yard with them can help.
Chew time is an essential part of a dog's routine. Dogs instinctually want to chew on something. It feels good, and they find it mentally stimulating.
It's critical to give dogs an outlet for this instinct like a meaty marrow bone. Dog bones are great for mental health, dental health, and overall dog health.
6. They Have a Nutritional Deficiency
Grass is a good source of folate (a B vitamin that helps with energy production), vitamin D and A. As previously mentioned, it also has substantial fiber and minerals.
If your dog’s diet is low in fiber or missing key nutrients, they might seek out grass to balance the digestive system.
Signs this might be the reason include:
- Chronic constipation or loose stools
- Frequent stomach upset
- Eating non-food items (like dirt, rocks, or canvas sneakers)
- Unwillingness to play, run, or go on longer walks.
- Suddenly acting stubborn
- Ignoring dog commands they usually follow
If you suspect this, switching to a more balanced diet with high-quality protein and natural fiber sources could help.
While veterinarian-approved kibble is an excellent start for a dog diet, all-kibble diets have several nutritional gaps.
For one, these foods are cooked at extremely high heat and extruded (turned into sludge)—yes, like the pink sludge chicken nuggets are made of. This process destroys many of the vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and fiber that were originally there.
Take omega-3, the anti-inflammatory fat. These fatty acids are essential in dogs, just like humans. But high heat destroys them unless they're protected.
A grass fed beef marrow bone on the other hand can protect the omega 3 fats naturally found in bone marrow during the roasting process. You can enhance a dog's nutrition by giving them a beef marrow bone to chew on.
How to Stop Your Dog from Eating Grass
So, what does it mean when a dog eats grass? A lot of things. But one thing is a sure bet. If you believe they're overdoing it or something's wrong, try this:
- Give them a high-value dog bone to alleviate boredom
- Enhance their nutrition with high-value dog treats and dog bones
- Up their fiber intake
- Check them for parasites
- Teach them the "Leave It" command and give them something better than grass like a single ingredient beef lung bite.
To learn more about how to teach commands with positive reinforcement be sure to sign up for the 7-Day Dog Training Challenge.
The Best Dog Bones and Treats to Enhance Nutrition
Look for:
- Single ingredient meaty beef marrow bones —They have no additives, added sugar, or chemically color enhancers. When something tastes like (and is) real beef, you don't need any of that.
- Grass-fed beef bones and dog treats—Grass fed beef has 2.5X the omega 3 of grain-fed cattle and they're lower in saturated fat too!
- Refilled dog bones — Once the bone marrow is gone, you can get more out of a dog bone. Refill it with foods that are high in fiber and anti-oxidants like blueberries, apples, fresh green beans, and pumpkin. Mix them with plain yogurt or peanut butter.
- USA based cattle — Not only are you supporting local jobs. Buying dog bones and dog treat from the USA ensures that manufacturers are following safety guidelines since USA-made dog foods and treats are monitored by the FDA. Bones from overseas don't have to follow the same safety guidelines.
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